Molecular Modelling using DeepView/SwissPdbViewer

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Installation of Swiss-PdbViewer

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Lesson 1. Basic Modelling Techniques

1.1 Loading a PDB file

You will see the structure of an Ala-Ala-Ala tripeptide.

1.2 Basic Manipulation

1.3 Control Panel (Wind > Control Panel)

 Control Panel

 group - residue selection. 

 show / side / labl / ribn 


1.4 Some useful buttons on the menu bar

info button - obtain information and label the selected atom. You can remove the label by Display > Labels > Clear User Labels.
distance button - measure distances between two atoms
mutate button - perform in silico mutagenesis
torsion button - change the torsion angles of a selected residue
button 4 - return to the manipulation mode (or Press 'esc')
reset view - 'Reset View' by include all atoms in the current window

Exercise 1

1. What is the distance between CB atom of Ala-1 and CA atom of Ala-3?
2. Mutate Ala2 to Phe.

1.5 Try to load another PDB file

1.6 Layer Infos (Wind > Layers Info)

layer info

1.7 Secondary structure

By default, the program will detect secondary structure when a PDB file is loaded. If not, you can detect secondary structure by:

control panel  

In the Control Panel, the letter 's' represents beta-strand, while 'h' represents helix.

1.8 Hydrogen bond pattern

You can toggle the display of H-bond by Display > Show H-bonds Can you see the hydrogen bonding pattern in the beta-sheet and helix?

1.9 Color By default, the atoms are colored according to their atom type (i.e. Color > by CPK
White - carbon, Red - oxygen, Blue - nitrogen, Yellow - sulfur, Orange - phosphorus

You can use different coloring scheme to obtain various properties of the residues:
Red - helix, Yellow - strand, Gray - loop

Red - acidic, Blue - basic, Orange - polar, Gray - non-polar

Exercise 2

1. Mutate the Val27 to Trp. (Tips: use Control Panel to identify the location of Val27)

2. After the mutation, you should be able to see a pink dotted line. Measure the distance of this dotted line.

3. Given the van der Waals radius of C, N, O, H are 1.7, 1.55, 1.52, 1.2 Å, respectively, what is the meaning of this dotted line?

Lesson 2. Energy minimisation

2.1 Finding potential problems in protein

After substituting Val-27 with Trp, the aromatic ring of Trp-27 is in steric clashes with the methyl group of Ala-19 (indicated by the pink dotted lines).


Such steric hindrance may be relieved by performing energy minimisation. 

2.2 Setting minimisation preferences

minimize pref

- to perform 500 steps of energy minimisation using the Steepest Descent method.

- all energy terms are included (Bonds, Angles, Torsions, Improper, Non-bonded, Electrostatic)

2.3 Running minimisation

After energy minimisation, the program has automatically added hydrogen to your structures.

You can toggle the display of hydrogen by Display > Show Hydrogens

Did you notice any structural change after the energy minimisation?
after min

Exercise 3

Mutate Gly12 to Val and perform energy minimisation to relieve the steric clashes introduced by the mutation.

Lesson 3. Enzyme-ligand interaction

3.1 Loading PDB file of SARS main protease

3.2 Slab mode

For a protein, it is quite confusing to look at all the atoms at one time. Sometimes it is better to reduce the depth of view by turn on the Slab mode.

Exercise 4

SARS main protease is a cysteine protease and the active site consists of a catalytic dyad of a cysteine and a histidine residue. The histidine residue involved is His41. Use Slab mode and zoom in the region around His41 and find out which cysteine residue is involved in the catalytic dyad. The distance between the SG atom of cysteine and the aromatic ring of His41 should be less than 4Å. 

3.3 Loading PDB file of protease inhibitor

Now you should see the inhibitor inside the active site pocket of the protease. Visual inspection should show that Met49, Met165 and Qln189 are in steric clashes with the inhibitor. However, if you check 'Color > Protein Problems' on the protease, it will not report any steric clashes because protease and inhibitor are in two different layers, and the program does not consider them to be placed at the same location.

So we have to merge the two layers first.

3.4 Merging two layers

There should be a new layer called '_merge_'.

3.5 Remodelling side-chain conformation

Exercise 5

Using the 'Fix Selected Sidechains', fix the steric clashes among Met165, Qln189 and the inhibitor.

Lesson 4. Structural Alignment

Structural alignment use 3D structure information to obtain a pairwise alignment between two proteins.

For simplicity, we will use the structure of chain A of SARS CoV and IBV (Infectious Bronchitis Virus) main proteases to construct the structural alignment.

4.1 Loading PDB file of SARS and IBV main protease 

You should now be able to see to protein loaded. Yellow - SARS main protease, Blue - IBV main protease.

4.2 Structural Alignment

  1. Wind > Alignment - to open the sequence alignment window. You should see the sequences of SARS and IBV main proteases.
  2. Fit > Magic Fit - You should see the structure of IBV protease will fit 'magically' to the structure SARS protease.
  3. Fit > Generate Structural Alignment - this will create a structural alignment. Two residues are aligned together if they  are nearby in space.
  4. Select 'IBV' as the active layer, and 'Fit > Improved Fit ...' - this will fit the SARS and IBV proteases based on the alignment. You should notice the alignment window will be updated, and the aligned residues are shaded in gray:


  5. In favorable cases, step 1-4 can be automated by a single command 'Fit > Iterative Magic Fit'.
  6. You can save the alignment in simple text: by 'File > Save > Alignment ...'.
4.3 Structural Alignment vs Sequence Alignment

struct align       clustw align

Exercise 6

The main protease has two domains: the N-terminal (residue 1 to ~195) and the C-terminal domain. Which domain of the proteases has a better alignment (or more conserved 3D structure) ?

Lesson 5. Homology Modelling 

In this lesson, you are going to use homology modelling to predict the 3D structure of murine hepatitis virus main protease.

5.1 Register with SwissMODEL server

5.2 Loading the raw sequences of the protein you want to predict its structure

Now you should be able to see both proteins in the main window.

5.3 Sequence Alignment using ClustalW

Sequence Alignment is the most important step in homology modelling. Incorrect alignment will lead to wrong 3D model. Alignment between two sequences can be obtained by pairwise alignment method (e.g. BLAST). However, in most cases alignment can be improved using the technique of multiple sequence alignemnt. The most popular program to align multiple sequences is ClustalW.

The main protease is found in the genome of all coronavrius. The file 3cpro_all.fas contain the protein sequences of main protease of related coronaviruses. You can obtain use the web interface of ClustalW to obtain the following sequence alignment ( For simplicity, only the sequences of murine HV and SARS CoV main proteases are shown:

align 3

5.4 Adjusting the alignment manually in Swiss-PdbViewer

insert a gap ctrl-space bar
delete a gap ctrl-backspace
move the selected residues to the left/right ctrl-left/right arrows


Exercise 7

There should be another insertion between R-268 and L-269. Please insert the gap yourselves.

5.5 Model Building

workspace.gif result.gif


Predict the structure of main protease of bovine CoV using SWISS-MODEL. The primary sequence of the protein is:

Please submit the resulting PDB (in DeepView project format) to CUForum.