Computer Modeling of Biomolecules

Presented by Kam Bo Wong
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biotechnology Programme

9. A DNA binding protein - GAL4 transcription factor

9.1 Load "gal4.pdb"


9.2 Change to "Cartoons" Display for protein atoms only

RasMol> select protein
RasMol> wireframe off
RasMol> cartoons on

·  notice that no change in display mode was applied to the DNA molecule.

9.3 More advanced selection techniques

Try the following commands:

RasMol> select protein
RasMol> color white
RasMol> select dna
RasMol> spacefill on
RasMol> select dna and backbone
RasMol> color red
RasMol> select dna and not backbone
RasMol> color yellow

If you can still follow the syntax, try the following even more advanced selections:

·  Selection of A:T pairs of DNA

RasMol> select (a or t) and not backbone
RasMol> color violet


·  Selection of all atoms in chain B

RasMol> select *:B
RasMol> color blue

·  Selection of residues 1-40 of chain B

RasMol> select 1-40:B
RasMol> color green


·  Selection of protein atoms that are within 5.0 Angstroms from DNA

RasMol> select within ( 5.0 , dna ) and protein
RasMol> color cyan

