connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname); unset($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname); session_start(); // Translate function getpost() { if(count($_POST)) { foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { global ${$key}; ${$key} = $value; } } } function getget() { if(count($_GET)) { foreach($_GET as $key => $value) { global ${$key}; $$key=($value); } } } function escapeit($text) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $text = stripslashes($text); } if ( !is_numeric($text) ) { $text = mysql_real_escape_string($text); } return $text; } function genphoto($file, $destination, $width="", $height="", $prefix="") { if ($file != "") { $temp = split("\.", $file); $ext = $temp[count($temp)-1]; $filename = randStr(12, "NUMBER").".".$ext; $imgTrans = new imageTransform(); $imgTrans->sourceFile = $destination.$file; $imgTrans->targetFile = $destination.$prefix."_".$filename; $imgTrans->chmodValue = 0777; $imgTrans->resizeToWidth = $width; $imgTrans->resizeToHeight = $height; $imgTrans->jpegOutputQuality = 80; $imgTrans->resize(); } } function genphoto_only($file, $source, $destination, $width="", $height="") { if ($file != "") { $filename = $file; $imgTrans = new imageTransform(); $imgTrans->sourceFile = $source.$file; $imgTrans->targetFile = $destination.$filename; $imgTrans->chmodValue = 0777; $imgTrans->resizeToWidth = $width; $imgTrans->resizeToHeight = $height; $imgTrans->jpegOutputQuality = 80; $imgTrans->resize(); } } function uploadImageFileResizeBGcolor($file, $filename, $uploadpath, $maxfilesize, $index, $nwidth, $nheight) { //require_once "./Common/GenerateIPAndDateFormate.php"; //create GenerateIPAndDateFormate class //$generateipanddate = new GenerateIPAndDateFormate(); $datekey = date("YmjHis"); //$generateipanddate->genDateForFile(); //get the date key for upload file $sessionid = md5(time());//$generatesessionid->getSessionID(); //get the session id for upload file $filetype = strtoupper(trim(substr($filename, -3))); //get the file type name $newfilename = $filename; //.".".$filetype; //$sessionid.$datekey.$index.".".$filetype; //make the new file name for upload //110000 --> 110KB $isneedresizeornot = 0; //0 - no need resize, 1 - need resize //move_uploaded_file($file, ($uploadpath).$newfilename); ///echo ($uploadpath).$newfilename; /* if((move_uploaded_file($file, ($uploadpath).$newfilename)) == true) //(filesize($file) < $maxfilesize) && ;(copy($file, ($uploadpath).$newfilename)) { if($nwidth == 0 && $nheight == 0) { $isneedresizeornot = 0; return $newfilename; } else { $isneedresizeornot = 1; } } */ //echo "
"; /* if(($maxfilesize == 0) && (move_uploaded_file($file["tmp_name"], ($uploadpath).$newfilename) == true)) //(copy($file, ($uploadpath).$newfilename)) { if($nwidth == 0 && $nheight == 0) { $isneedresizeornot = 0; return $newfilename; } else { $isneedresizeornot = 1; } } else if(!(file_exists($file))) { echo "PK"; return "0"; //express not exist } else { return "-1"; //express error } */ $isneedresizeornot = 1; if($isneedresizeornot == 1) { //$generatesessionid->closeSession(); //close the session id list($width, $height) = getimagesize(($uploadpath).$newfilename); $newwidth = 0; $newheiht = 0; $newx = 0; $newy = 0; $handwradio = ($height/$width); $wandhradio = ($width/$height); if($handwradio <= 1) { $newwidth = $nwidth;//152; $newheight = ($nwidth*$handwradio); //152 $newx = 0; $newy = (($nheight-$newheight)/2); //192 if($newheight > $nheight) { $newheight = $nheight; //192 $newwidth = ($nheight*$wandhradio); //192 $newx = (($nwidth-$newwidth)/2); //152 $newy = 0; } } else if($wandhradio <= 1) { $newheight = $nheight; //192 $newwidth = ($nheight*$wandhradio); //192 $newx = (($nwidth-$newwidth)/2); //152 $newy = 0; if($newwidth > $nwidth) { $newwidth = $nwidth;//152; $newheight = ($nwidth*$handwradio); //152 $newx = 0; $newy = (($nheight-$newheight)/2); //192 } } if($filetype == "JPG") { $source = imagecreatefromjpeg(($uploadpath).$newfilename); } else if($filetype == "PNG") { $source = imagecreatefrompng(($uploadpath).$newfilename); } else if($filetype == "GIF") { $source = imagecreatefromgif(($uploadpath).$newfilename); } $thumb = ImageCreateTrueColor($nwidth, $nheight); //(152,192); imagefill($thumb,0,0,imagecolorallocate($thumb, 255, 255, 255)); //255, 255, 255 imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source, $newx, $newy, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); if($filetype == "JPG") { imagejpeg($thumb,($uploadpath).$newfilename); } else if($filetype == "PNG") { imagepng($thumb,($uploadpath).$newfilename); } else if($filetype == "GIF") { imagegif($thumb,($uploadpath).$newfilename); } ImageDestroy($source); @fclose($sourcefilehandle); return $newfilename; } //$generatesessionid->closeSession(); //close the session id return "-1"; //express error } function add_attachment($file, $destination, $path, $small_path, $medium_path, $table_name, $table_id="", $temp_id="", $col_name, $sorting=0, $member_id=0, $prefix="../../") { global $db; //$small_path = "../upload/product/small/"; //$medium_path = "../upload/product/medium/"; if ($file != "") { $realname = $file["name"]; $temp = split("\.", $realname); $ext = $temp[count($temp)-1]; $filename = randStr(12, "NUMBER").".".$ext; while (file_exists($destination.$filename)) { $filename = randStr(12, "NUMBER").".".$ext; } //move_uploaded_file($file, $destination.$filename); //echo $destination.$filename; move_uploaded_file($file["tmp_name"], $destination.$filename); chmod($destination.$filename, 0777); //resize image if($col_name == "employeephoto"){ copy($destination.$filename, $prefix.$small_path.$filename); //"../../". chmod($prefix.$small_path.$filename, 0777); uploadImageFileResizeBGcolor($file, $filename, $prefix.$small_path, 0, 0, 150, 150); } /* if($col_name == "listphoto") { genphoto_only($filename, $destination, "../".$small_path, 158, 133); } else if($col_name == "detailphoto") { genphoto_only($filename, $destination, "../".$medium_path, 220, 300); } */ if ($re_name != "") { $filename = $re_name."_".$filename; } $sql = "SELECT `attachment_id`, `file_name` FROM `attachment` WHERE `table_name` = '".$table_name."' AND `table_id` = '".$table_id."' AND `col_name` = '".$col_name."'"; $rs = $db->query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($rs) > 0 && trim($table_id) != "") { $rowfile = $db->fetch_array($rs); @unlink($prefix.$rowfile["small_path"].$rowfile["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix.$rowfile["medium_path"].$rowfile["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix.$rowfile["path"].$rowfile["file_name"]); $attachment_id = $rowfile["attachment_id"]; $sql = "UPDATE `attachment` SET `file_name` = '".$filename."', `real_name` = '".$realname."', `upload_date` = '".date("Y-m-d")."', `upload_time` = '".date("H:i:s")."' WHERE `table_name` = '".$table_name."' AND `table_id` = '".$table_id."' AND `col_name` = '".$col_name."'"; $db->query($sql); } else { $sql = "SELECT `attachment_id`, `file_name` FROM `attachment` WHERE `table_name` = '".$table_name."' AND `temp_id` = '".$temp_id."' AND `col_name` = '".$col_name."'"; //echo $sql; $rs2 = $db->query($sql); if(mysql_num_rows($rs2) > 0 && trim($temp_id) != ""){ $rowfile2 = $db->fetch_array($rs2); //@unlink($destination.$rowfile2["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix.$rowfile2["small_path"].$rowfile2["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix.$rowfile2["medium_path"].$rowfile2["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix.$rowfile2["path"].$rowfile2["file_name"]); $attachment_id = $rowfile2["attachment_id"]; $sql = "UPDATE `attachment` SET `file_name` = '".$filename."', `real_name` = '".$realname."', `upload_date` = '".date("Y-m-d")."', `upload_time` = '".date("H:i:s")."' WHERE `table_name` = '".$table_name."' AND `temp_id` = '".$temp_id."' AND `col_name` = '".$col_name."'"; $db->query($sql); }else{ $sql = "INSERT INTO `attachment` ( `attachment_id` , `table_name` , `table_id` , `temp_id`, `col_name`, `file_name` , `real_name` , `path` , `medium_path`, `small_path`, `sorting` , `upload_date` , `upload_time`, `product_id`) VALUES ( NULL , '".$table_name."', '".$table_id."', '".$temp_id."', '".$col_name."', '".$filename."', '".$realname."', '".$path."', '".$medium_path."', '".$small_path."', '".$sorting."', '".date("Y-m-d")."', '".date("H:i:s")."', '".$member_id."' );"; $db->query($sql); $attachment_id = $db->insert_id(); } } $file_array = array(); $file_array["attachment_id"] = $attachment_id; $file_array["filename"] = $filename; $file_array["realname"] = $realname; $file_array["colname"] = $colname; return $file_array; } } function del_attachment($attachment_id,$prefix_path="../../"){ global $db; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `attachment` WHERE `attachment_id` = '".escapeit($attachment_id)."'"; $row = $db->getrow($sql); @unlink($prefix_path.$row["small_path"].$row["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix_path.$row["medium_path"].$row["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix_path.$row["path"].$row["file_name"]); $sql = "DELETE FROM `attachment` WHERE `attachment_id` = '".escapeit($attachment_id)."'"; $db->query($sql); } function del_attachment_for_member($prefix_path="../../", $member_id){ global $db; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `attachment` WHERE table_id='' and product_id='".escapeit($member_id)."'"; $rs = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($rs)) { @unlink($prefix_path.$row["small_path"].$row["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix_path.$row["medium_path"].$row["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix_path.$row["path"].$row["file_name"]); } $sql = "DELETE FROM `attachment` WHERE table_id='' and product_id='".escapeit($member_id).""; $db->query($sql); } function del_all_attachment($table_name,$value,$prefix_path="../../"){ global $db; $sql = "SELECT `file_name`, `path` FROM `attachment` WHERE `table_name` = '".escapeit($table_name)."' AND `table_id` = '".escapeit($value)."'"; $rs = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($rs)) { //@unlink($prefix_path.$row["path"]."original/".$row["file_name"]); //@unlink($prefix_path.$row["path"]."thumb/".$row["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix_path.$row["small_path"].$row["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix_path.$row["medium_path"].$row["file_name"]); @unlink($prefix_path.$row["path"].$row["file_name"]); } $sql = "DELETE FROM `attachment` WHERE `table_name` = '".escapeit($table_name)."' AND `table_id` = '".escapeit($value)."'"; $db->query($sql); } function get_attachment($table_name,$table_id,$col_name){ global $db; $sql = " SELECT file_name FROM `attachment` WHERE `table_name`='".$table_name."' and `table_id`='".$table_id."' and `col_name`='".$col_name."' "; $result = $db->query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return $row["file_name"]; } function get_all_attachment($table_name,$table_id){ global $db; $sql = " SELECT col_name,path,file_name FROM `attachment` WHERE `table_name`='".$table_name."' and `table_id`='".$table_id."' "; $result = $db->query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $myAttachment[$row["col_name"]]=$row["path"].$row["file_name"]; } return $myAttachment; } function show_attachment($file){ $lower_filename=strtolower($file); if( strstr($lower_filename,".jpg") || strstr($lower_filename,".jpeg") || strstr($lower_filename,".gif") || strstr($lower_filename,".png") ){ return '
'; } } function randStr($len,$format) { switch($format) { case 'ALL': $chars='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; break; case 'CHAR': $chars='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; break; case 'NUMBER': $chars='0123456789'; break; default : $chars='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; break; } mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000*getmypid()); $password=""; while(strlen($password)<$len) $password.=substr($chars,(mt_rand()%strlen($chars)),1); return $password; } function displaystr($display, $lang="en") { $str = ""; if ($display == 1) { if ($lang == "chi") { $str = '顯示'; } else { $str = 'Display'; } } else { if ($lang == "chi") { $str = '隱藏'; } else { $str = 'Hidden'; } } return $str; } function imageResize2($width, $height, $targetw, $targeth) { $percentage = 1; if (($width > $targetw) || ($height > $targeth)) { $width_diff = $width - $targetw; $height_diff = $height - $targeth; if ($width_diff >= $height_diff) { $percentage = ($targetw / $width); } else { $percentage = ($targeth / $height); } } //gets the new value and applies the percentage, then rounds the value $width = round($width * $percentage); $height = round($height * $percentage); $resize[0] = $width; $resize[1] = $height; return $resize; } function fCeil($val,$pressision=2) { $p = pow(10,$pressision); $val = $val*$p; $val = ceil($val); return $val /$p; } function getDistrict() { $alldistrict = array(); $alldistrict["hk"] = "香港"; $alldistrict["cn"] = "中國"; $alldistrict["tw"] = "台灣"; return $alldistrict; } function getIPAddress() { return getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); } function checkEmailIsTureOrNot($email) { $pattern = '^'.'[_a-z0-9-]+'.'(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*'.'@'.'[a-z0-9-]+'.'(\.[a-z0-9-]{2,})+'.'$'; if(eregi($pattern, $email)) { return true; //express to avaible } else { return false; //express not avaible } } ?>